Jan 13, 2017
Syrian migrant launches Facebook 'fake news' legal fight
The legal action comes as Facebook has been facing significant pressure to combat the proliferation of fake news reports on its platform. Chan-jo Jun, a lawyer who in November 2016 prompted an investigation into Mark Zuckerberg and other Facebook executives following a complaint alleging that the company had failed to remove racist posts, in contravention of German laws against hate speech, has taken on the case. Mr Jun has filed an injunction "Seeking to prevent Facebook from publishing the slanderous image of the Syrian refugee Anas Modamani in the context of terrorist attacks". "A Facebook representative said:"We received a takedown request from Mr Jun alleging that a specific item of content on our platform violates Mr Modamani's right of personality. Mr Jun claims that not all of the offending content has been removed and several images falsely linking Mr Modamani to terrorist activity are still available on Facebook.
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